
Let them cover up their lies

(Kathrine will kill me for this, haha)

Because we all watch the buildings fall... wait, I recently watched my computer fall apart, funny thing..eh? As you might have seen, or not seen, my computer isn't working. It finally decided to take a week off during my examination period. How clever isn't that? With all my work on. All my story's, photographs, every single fucking tiny thing is gone. Jesus, it feels like someone just passed away from me.

I appreciate if anyone out there got a MacBook or a Laptop which you doesn't use, and..... send it to as soon as possible.


Come All You Weary

Nothing to blog about, since Caro's still sick and her successfully baking did not end up successfully.

Instead; Thrice - Come All You Weary.


I remember the black skies and the lightning around me.

Linkin Park - New Divide

One year and four days after the Minutes To Midnight release, comes the new single of Linkin Park; New Divide.

Personally did I love the intro more than I loved the whole song, maybe because of the electronic intro which is a new type for the band, but somehow with the first sentence in the lyrics "I remember black skies and the lightning around me" explains a lot.
More can be read on their officially page and the officially forum

Any thoughts about the song?

It's still examination period, and our school got separated into two groups, group 1 and group 2. The ones in group 2 still doesn't know which subject they will have their examination in.
As you may have figured out, I'm in group 2... !yay.


Four in the morning, you know where I'll be.

(Picture @ me)

Got nothing else to say but; Happy Birthday Norway!


Profound Mind.

Da er Engelsk eksamen ferdig! Wooooooot!

Hvilke 3 sider ved deg selv er du fornøyd med og hvilke 3 er du ikke fornøyd med? :)
3 ting jeg er glad for; Er Øynene, veldig klisje, men jeg elsker dem. Jeg liker anklene og kragebeina mine. 3 ting jeg ikke klarer er magen, lårene og tankegangen. Veldig klisje igjen.

Hva er det første du tenker når du står opp om morgenen?
Joe, Er klærne mine tørket? Skjer det noe morsomt i dag?
Tror du på det paranormale? Spøkelser osv.

Ja, faktisk. Jeg klarer ikke å sovne om jeg plutselig ser en mørkere "spot" på veggen i frykt for gjenferd. haha
Hvilken kjendis klarer du ikke trynet på?
P-p-paris Hilton.
Hva var den siste boka du leste?
Sign of the cross av Chris K.
Har du en søster eller bror? eller begge deler? i såfall,Hva heter de, og har de blogg?
Jeg har en tvillingsøster, og en storebror. Så begge deler. De heter Anette og Jon-Anders. Anette har (Som du kan se på menyen)
Hvilket redigeringsprogram bruker du, og hva heter du på twitter? hvis du har da?
Jeg bruker Painshop pro 8. Jeg heter Caroheg på twitter.

Tar resten i morgen :)


And the question is..

Åpner jeg for spørsmålsrunde. Svarene blir enten laget i videoblogg eller skrevet her på bloggen. Er det noe du lurer på, har du sjangsen til å spørre nå!


Temporary safety

(Flickr @ Zahidpix

Tanker rundt dette, kom med innspill.


You woke up to a skyline

(Flickr @ Yörik)

Fifty People, One Question: Brooklyn from Fifty People, One Question on Vimeo.

Jeg spør dere det samme spørsmål; Hvor vil du våkne opp i morgen?

Mitt svar er hos Joe, eller i leiligheten i Spania.


English & Catholicism

(Flickr @ KM&G)

Ofte er det slik at jeg føler for å ikke blogge når kommentarene minskes, men whatever. Det er nå tiden for eksamen for oss, og til min glede kom jeg opp i ett språk som jeg virkelig kan; Engelsk. For å si det mildt, så er jeg glad for at det er en sensor som skal rette, ellers så hadde jeg endt opp med 100vis av feil som er "finne-på-feil"

Nå, over til Catholicism.. noe som egentlig ikke har veldig mye å gjøre med katolisismen. (Ja, isismen)
Jeg har nettopp sett Da Vinci Code, for den 50. gang, og jeg må ærlig si at jeg er forsatt overassket over ting som jeg ikke har merket før. Angels & Demons har premiere den 20.Mai, og jeg blir å finne på kinoen i Oslo den dagen. Selv om jeg kanskje burde øve til muntlig, om jeg er i pulje 1 selvfølgelig.


Party Like A Rockstar


Party Like A, Party like a, party like a rockstar
That is what we'll do in the end of May month, when the exams are done!

Nå, over til viktigere ting.. ok, eksamen. Jeg håper inderlig at jeg kommer opp i både norsk skriftlig og bokmål, til tross for å ha nynorsk også. Men dog, jeg føler for at jeg får enten engelsk eller matte. Joa, engelsk er greit nok, men jeg vil virkelig ikke at lærern min skal rette selve oppgaven. Jeg tror at hun er høy på weed og vin når hun retter prøven, fordi rettingen er såpass så dumt rettet... ok, dette ble syting.

Siden jeg ikke har mer å si, så kan jeg jo putte ut noen av mine sanger fra iPoden/Spotify?
Und es geth Ching Ching
Soulja Boy - Crank that (Travis Baker Remix)
Thrice - A Song For Milly Michaelson
Thrice - Broken Lungs
Thrice - Moving Mountains
Bushido - Ching Ching

Veldig blandet, men det er som de sier; Godt & Blandet


The man who literally saved my life, died.

(Bilde @ meg)

Hoho, noen som vil gjennta hva jeg har skrevet i mine tidligre poster? Nå er det tid for historietid.

The man who literally saved my life, died.

I thought I could handle trough his death, it took me long enough time to figure out that I couldn’t. All I wanted to do was forgetting him, and I so did, for a short amount of time. He had dreams for me, dreams that I wanted to follow. Dreams that could bring me the hope and faith I needed to move on in my life, but it never will. All homicides are tragic, especially when the victims are young. They died before they even could start on with their new life. In this line of work I was afraid that I would lose the availability to trust, but then I realized I can’t really look at anyone without seeing death. And as bad it is losing faith and humanity seems, losing your faith and happy endings is much worse.

How many victims have I seen and how many deaths? 100rds? 1000snds? Both families and victims, both alive and dead. I was always able to stay objective when it comes to someone else’s life, but now all I see is my grandfather. Two more deaths, was it a prize to be paid, or is death even worth it? Was the world always this great, or is it only in the movies that there isn’t black and white, or maybe it’s just an allusion. I used to know, I used to understand my place, and my direction where I was headed. A profiling requires a belief, a believer in the profile, and that you believe in yourself. After my grandfather death, I do no longer trust myself at home, after my mistakes, I do not trust myself in the fields and without that I am nothing.

I’m so sorry that I couldn’t explain it better, and I’m so sorry that I don’t understand anything anymore. I’m sorry this doesn’t make much sense, but I’ve already told you, I don’t understand anything of this anymore. I knew where I was headed, but that was before college, before his death, but I guess it is alright because I believe in happy endings.